EVOTROPIA took part to the 7th ‘Circle the Med Forum’ organised by the EPLO/AgriBusiness on 18 to 19 January 2024. In the session "Food Safety and Resilience under the conditionalities of the Green Deal and F2F strategy" EVOTROPIA talked about "Regenerative farming, natural capital and supply resilience". SIRAM was the main focus of the presentation. This was a great event gathering more than 100 participants (approximately 15 in presence and 120 via teleconference) and it will lead to a future meeting with the EPLO.
You can watch the presentation by clicking on the link below (you can find it from minute 44.00 onwards). The majority of the presentation is dedicated to SIRAM, demonstrating both produced results and methods to be used in future deliverables. After the presentation, a discussion followed.